Speeches & Publications

ICLG - Vertical Agreements and Dominant Firms 2023

"The International Comparative Legal Guide - Vertical Agreements and Dominant Firms 2023(Periodical by Dr. Gönenç Gürkaynak and O. Onur Özgümüş), Global Legal Group, July 2023. This article appeared in the 7th Edition of The International Comparative Legal Guide: Vertical Agreements and Dominant Firms; published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London

Published on:
July 2023

E.C.L.R., Issue 7, 2023

"Still debatable, yet inevitable-increasing antitrust focus on labour markets and adapting to the new normal" (Article by Dr. Gönenç Gürkaynak, Onur Özgümüş, Buğrahan Köroğlu, Efe Oker and Su Akgül), E.C.L.R, Issue 7, 2023, Thomson Reuters and Contributors.

This material was first published by Thomson Reuters, trading as Sweet & Maxwell, 5 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5AQ, in E.C.L.R, Issue 7, 2023 and is reproduced by agreement with the publishers. For further details, please see the publishers’ website.

Published on:
July 2023

Lexology Getting The Deal Through: Merger Control 2024

"Lexology Getting The Deal Through: Merger Control 2024" (Periodical by Dr. Gönenç Gürkaynak and Öznur İnanılır), Law Business Research Ltd. Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Lexology Getting the Deal Through: Merger Control 2024 (published in July 2023; consulting editor: Thomas Janssens, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP)

Published on:
July 2023
Turkish Healthcare Agency Publishes New Homeopathic Medicinal Products Licensing Regulation

Article by Dr. Gönenç Gürkaynak, Ceren Yıldız, Nazlı Gürün and Bilgehan Korucuoğlu

Mondaq, July 18, 2023

Related professionals:
Published on:
July 2023
Gönenç Gürkaynak on Competition & Innovation – Concurrences, Paris, June 8, 2023

Dr. Gönenç Gürkaynak, our founding partner and head of ELIG Gürkaynak’s competition law and regulatory team, spoke at the “Digital Antitrust: How to Regulate?” Conference panel entitled “Digital, Competition & Innovation: Does Competition Lead to Innovation or Does Innovation Lead to Competition?” organised by Concurrences in Paris on June 8, 2023. Dr. Fréderic Jenny (Chairman, OECD Competition Committee / Professor Emeritus, ESSEC Business School, Paris) moderated the session and the other speakers included Mr. James Baker (Associate Director, Frontier Economics, London), Dr. Eshien Chong (Chief Economist, French Competition Authority, Paris) and Dr. Thibault Schrepel (Associate Professor of Law, VU Amsterdam / Faculty Affiliate, Stanford University’s CodeX).

Conference video kindly provided by Concurrences.

Related professionals:
Published on:
July 2023
Gönenç Gürkaynak on Effects Based Approach to Abuses of Dominance – Concurrences, Paris, June 22, 2023

Dr. Gönenç Gürkaynak, our founding partner and head of ELIG Gürkaynak’s competition law and regulatory team, spoke at the 14th New Frontiers of Antitrust Conference panel entitled “Establishing Abuses of Dominance: Is the Effects-Based Approach Administrable?” organised by Concurrences in Paris on June 22, 2023. Dr. Damien Gerard (Prosecutor General, Belgian Competition Authority, Brussels) moderated the session and the other speakers included Ms. Inge Bernaerts (Director for Policy and Strategy, DG COMP, Brussels), Dr. Antoine Chapsal (Managing Principal, Analysis Group, Paris/Brussels/London) and Dr. Ioannis Lianos (Chair, Hellenic Competition Authority, Athens).

Conference video kindly provided by Concurrences

Related professionals:
Published on:
July 2023
Global Legal Insights - Merger Control 2023

"Global Legal Insights - Merger Control 2023" (Periodical by Dr. Gönenç Gürkaynak and Öznur İnanılır), Global Legal Group, July 2023; This article appeared in the 12th Edition of Global Legal Insights - Merger Control; published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London

Published on:
July 2023
Significant Changes Introduced to the Geographical Data License Regulation

Article by Dr. Gönenç Gürkaynak, Ceren Yıldız, Noyan Utkan and Dila Erol

Mondaq, July 13, 2023

Published on:
July 2023

Europe, Middle East and Africa Antitrust Review 2024 - Turkey: Competition Authority Bolsters Merger Control with a Stronger Focus on Thresholds

Periodical by Dr. Gönenç Gürkaynak, K. Korhan Yıldırım and Görkem Yardım, Global Competition Review, July 2023

Published on:
July 2023

Europe, Middle East and Africa Antitrust Review 2024 – Turkey: Updated Legislation Strengthens Competition Authority’s Cartel Enforcement

Periodical by Dr. Gönenç Gürkaynak and Öznur İnanılır, Global Competition Review, July 2023 

Published on:
July 2023
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