Articles and Periodicals

Mondaq Article: July 28, 2021

Fight for the Cheap Prices and Better Conditions: Recent Outlook of the Turkish Competition Authority to MFC Practices Adopted Against Different Settings

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq., Öznur İnanılır and Dilara Yeşilyaprak


Published on:
July 2021

Turkey Introduces New Methods for Identity Verification in the Electronic Communications Sector

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Ceren Yıldız, Noyan Utkan and Duhan Kurt

Mondaq, July 27, 2021

Published on:
July 2021

The Dominance and Monopolies Review: Turkey, Edition 9

Periodical by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq.

Law Business Research Ltd, July 2021; Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd.

This article was first published in The Dominance and Monopolies Review - Edition 9 (July 2021– editors Maurits Dolmans & Henry Mostyn)

Related professionals:
Published on:
July 2021
Europe, Middle East and Africa Antitrust Review 2022 – Turkey: Combating Abuse of Dominance 2022


Periodical by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq. and O. Onur Özgümüş

Global Competition Review, July 2021

Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in July 2021.

Published on:
July 2021
Europe, Middle East and Africa Antitrust Review 2022 – Turkey: Recent Legislative Changes and Cartel Enforcement

Europe, Middle East and Africa Antitrust Review 2022 – Turkey: Recent Legislative Changes and Cartel Enforcement

Periodical by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq. and Öznur İnanılır, Global Competition Review, July 2021

Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in July 2021

Published on:
July 2021
Europe, Middle East and Africa Antitrust Review 2022 – Turkey: Merger Control in a Nutshell

Periodical by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq. and K. Korhan Yıldırım

Global Competition Review, July 2021.

Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in July 2021

Published on:
July 2021

Concurrences e-Competitions News Issue, July 2021

"The Turkish Competition Authority issues the Regulation on Settlement Procedure for Investigations on Anticompetitive Agreements, Concerted Practices, Decisions and Abuse of Dominant Position"

Article by Dr. Gönenç Gürkaynak, Ebru İnce, and Baran Can Yıldırım, Concurrences e-Competitions News Issue, July 15,  2021

Related professionals:
Published on:
July 2021

Global Legal Insights - Merger Control 10th Edition

Periodical by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq. and Öznur İnanılır

Global Legal Group, July 2021

This article appeared in the 10th Edition of Global Legal Insights - Merger Control; published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London

Published on:
July 2021

Concurrences e-Competitions News Issue June 2021

The Turkish Competition Authority evaluates a request from an insurance information company for an individual exemption or negative clearance for the payment method application which enables payment with the first six and last four digits of the card number (SBM)
Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq., Eda Duru, Betül Baş Çömlekçi, Esma Aktaş and Aslı Su Çoruk
Concurrences e-Competitions News Issue June 2021
Related professionals:
Published on:
July 2021

A New Sector for Price Squeeze Analysis: Medical Device Secondary Markets

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq. Ebru İnce, Can Yıldırım, Gizem Yeşilbudak and Aysu Tanoğlu

Mondaq, June 30, 2021

Related professionals:
Published on:
June 2021
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