Articles and Periodicals

Evidence in Competition Law

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Korhan Yıldırım and Murat Hakan Özgökçen

Anniversary Volume in memory of Haluk Konuralp, Volume 3, Yetkin Publications, Ankara 2009 

Published on:
January 2009

The Turkish Competition Board Fined Türk Telekomünikasyon A.Ş. and TTNet A.Ş.

The Turkish Competition Board Fined Türk Telekomünikasyon A.Ş. and TTNet A.Ş. (jointly and severally) for Abusing Their Dominant Position in the Wholesale Broadband Internet Access Market and Retail Broadband Internet Access Market by Charging Anti-Competitive Tariffs for Access to the Local Networks

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak

Mondaq, 23 December 2008

Related professionals:
Published on:
December 2008

Aggravating and Mitigating Circumstances regarding the Monetary Fines in EU and Turkish Competition Law

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Yelda Ürey and Pınar Çağlayan

Competition Forum, No. 37, p. 12, 23 November 2007

Related professionals:
Published on:
November 2008

Recent Developments Concerning the Legal Regime Applicable to Foreign Real and Legal Persons’ Acquisitions of Immovable Properties in Turkey

Recent Developments Concerning the Legal Regime Applicable to Foreign Real and Legal Persons’ Acquisitions of Immovable Properties in Turkey: An Analysis of the Decision of the Constitutional Court as Published on April 16th, 2008

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak and Hande Varhan

Mondaq, 14 November 2008

Related professionals:
Published on:
November 2008

Turkish Competition Board Widens the Scope of its Probes Concerning Dominant Undertakings’ Legal and Commercial Practices Towards Sales Points in Various Sectors

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq

Mondaq, November 14, 2008 

Related professionals:
Published on:
October 2008

Confidentiality Provisions in the scope of Lateral Restriction Regime

Evaluation of Confidentiality Provisions in the scope of Lateral Restriction Regime: Is Intervention Necessary?

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak and Hakan Özgökçen

Competition Forum, No. 36, p. 11, July 20, 2007  

Related professionals:
Published on:
July 2007

Client Correspondance in On-Site Inspections and its Utilization in Competition Law Investigations

The Issue of Inspecting Attorney – Client Correspondance in On-Site Inspections and its Utilization in Competition Law Investigations

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak and Bora İkiler

Competition Forum, No. 35, p. 3, 20 June 2007

Related professionals:
Published on:
July 2007

Evaluation Regarding the Nature and Provisions Applicable to the Proper Treatment of Discrimination Cases in Turkish Competition Law

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak and K. Korhan Yıldırım

Turkish Competition Association, Ankara, Issue 33, p. 9, 20 April 2007

Published on:
July 2007

Hope at Last for Some Flexibility in Review of Ancillary Restraints

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak

Mondaq, August 4, 2006 

Related professionals:
Published on:
August 2006

Legal and Economic Analyses on the ‘Presumption of Concerted Practice

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak and Dr. İzak Atiyas

Turkish Competition Authority Press, Ankara, June 2006

Related professionals:
Published on:
June 2006
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