Speeches & Publications

Significance of Proof of Use in Trademark Oppositions

Significance of Proof of Use in Trademark Oppositions Under Turkish Law

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, İlay Yılmaz and Noyan Utkan

Mondaq, February 6, 2018

Related professionals:
Published on:
February 2018
Competition Board concludes Preliminary Investigation

Competition Board Concludes Preliminary Investigation into Furnishing Sector

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak

International Law Office Competition & Antitrust Newsletter, January 25, 2018

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Published on:
January 2018

Questions of Intellectual Property in the Artificial Intelligence Realm

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, İlay Yılmaz, Türker Doygun and Ekin İnce

The Robotics Law Journal, Volume 3, No. 2, September / October 2017

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Published on:
January 2018
Article 29 Working Party’s Updated Opinion

Guide Yourself to Explicit Consent: Article 29 Working Party’s Updated Opinion

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak,  İlay Yılmaz and Noyan Utkan

Mondaq, January 16, 2018

Related professionals:
Published on:
January 2018

The International Comparative Legal Guide: Corporate Investigations 2018

Periodical by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Ç. Olgu Kama

Global Legal Group, January 2018; This article appeared in the 2nd Edition of The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Corporate Investigations; published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London

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Published on:
January 2018
Quarterly Update on Anti-Dumping Cases in Turkey (December 2017)

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Ceren Yıldız and Ecem Elver

Mondaq, January 4, 2018

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Published on:
January 2018
Crowdfunding Legislation Introduced in Turkey

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Ceren Yıldız and Ecem Elver

Mondaq, January 2, 2018

Related professionals:
Published on:
January 2018

The Turkish Competition Board Concludes its Preliminary Investigation

The Turkish Competition Board concludes its Preliminary Investigation into Possible Abusive Pricing Policies in the Furnishing Sector
Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak
Concurrences e-Bulletin January 2018 Issue
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Published on:
January 2018

Anti-suit Injunctions in International Arbitration

Article  by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Ceyda Karaoğlan Nalçacı, Tuğba Uluay and Ahmet Bahadır Erkan

Legal Journal of Law, Legal Publishing, Volume: 16, Issue: 181, Year: 2018, p. 133-160

Published on:
January 2018
The International Comparative Legal Guide: Merger Control 2018

Periodical by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Öznur İnanılır

Global Legal Group, December 2017; This article appeared in the 2018 edition of The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Merger Control; published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London

Published on:
December 2017
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