Speeches & Publications

Multijurisdictional Mergers in Practice

Speech by Gönenç Gürkaynak


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Published on:
November 2021

Concurrences N° 4-2021, Art. N° 103263, November 2021

Sustainability factors in merger control assessments: Do ambitious efforts fall short of expectations?

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq., Kağan Uçar and Hakan Demirkan

Concurrences N° 4-2021, Art. N° 103263, November 2021

Related professionals:
Published on:
November 2021
Mondaq Article: November 22, 2021

The Data Subject’s Burden of Proof in Establishing the Harm Suffered and Claiming Compensation

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq., Ceren Yıldız and Gamze Yalçın

Mondaq, November 22, 2021

Published on:
November 2021
OFAC Publishes Sanctions Compliance Guidance For The Virtual Currency Industry

"OFAC Publishes Sanctions Compliance Guidance For The Virtual Currency Industry" (Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq., Ceren Yıldız and Nazlı Gürün), Mondaq, November 17, 2021

Published on:
November 2021
Mondaq Article: November 17, 2021

Were you benefiting from the block exemption mechanism for vertical agreements? Make sure you double-check your market share this year…

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq., Dilara Yeşilyaprak, Zeynep Ayata Aydoğan and Nil Zeren Özdemir

Mondaq, November 17, 2021

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Published on:
November 2021

Turkey: Voting Rights of Shareholders in Joint Stock Companies

Turkey: Voting Rights of Shareholders in Joint Stock Companies

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq., Nazlı Nil Yukaruç and Aybüke Eroğlu

Mondaq, November 11, 2021

International Law Office Competition and Antitrust Newsletter, November 11, 2021

Council of State clarifies standard of proof in RPM cases

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq., Harun Gündüz and Naz Altınsoy Uçar

International Law Office Competition and Antitrust Newsletter, November 11, 2021

Published on:
November 2021

Competition Law Journal, Volume:20, Issue: 3, October 2021

A critical assessment of the recent proposals and reports on the regulation of digital mergers

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Kansu Aydoğan Yeşilaltay and Zeynep Ayata Aydoğan

Competition Law Journal, Volume:20, Issue: 3, October 2021

Related professionals:
Published on:
November 2021

Global Legal Group, November 2021

The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Cartels & Leniency

Periodical by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq. and Öznur İnanılır), Global Legal Group, November 2021.

This article appeared in the 15th edition of The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Cartels & Leniency; published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London (Contributing editors are Matthew Readings and Elvira Aliende Rodriguez of Shearman & Sterling LLP)

Published on:
November 2021

Concurrences Article: October 27, 2021

The Turkish Competition Authority imposes fines on two pharmaceutical companies for engaging in concerted practices to expand the use of Lucentis as opposed to Altuzan in treating eye diseases (Roche / Novartis)

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq., Öznur İnanılır and Berfu Akgün

Concurrences, October 27, 2021

Published on:
October 2021
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